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Out there

So the alpha is out.

Everybody we were showing Colony to lately was saying we had to release it because people needed to know about that kind of awesomeness. But we are people of work, not of show... So we kept on working, ironing out the wrinkles and such.

We even started working on documentation and, again, people who looked at it were asking why we didn't have it online. So things added up, we polished a bit more, and felt it was as good a time as any to put something out there.

We didn't pimp it much, just some places where like-minded individuals hang out. We got some mixed feedback between people amazed at the amount of work we had put into this thing, while staying under the radar, and others having a hard time understanding what it was good for. But, most interestingly, we found some people that actually felt the kind of pains Colony was intended to ease. And they wanted to know more.

We got several requests for a forum for users to exchange experiences using the technology, and we got a tip about creating the #colonyframework IRC channel to help connect even better with the audience.

And so here we are. We have something that you can already start calling documentation to. You can also check out our daily builds. To get an insider perspective on the project consider joining the Colony Users mailing list.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

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